In the fall of 2022, the Conservancy circulated a questionnaire among its members and friends. Here is a summary of the results which the Conservancy is using to guide it moving forward.
Wrap up of Annual Meeting, Sunday, November 13, 2022, 4-6 PM, by Jon Kaufman
Making the East Bay Hills Safer from Wildfire, by Jon Kaufman
We need a regional approach to effectively prevent future wildfires. Since wildfires do not stop at city or county lines, the cities and the two counties in the East Bay Hills must work together to remove hazardous vegetation and take other steps to prevent a future disaster like the 1991 firestorm. Local fire departments work together to fight fires, when necessary, under mutual aid agreements. We need a similar approach to prevent wildfires.
Founding Sponsor List
Please let us know if you think you were listed erroneously or were omitted accidentally from this list.
President's spring message, by Jon Kaufman
Over the past year, we’ve had to curtail our group stewardship activities, but our board has been busy on other fronts. Recently, we met with the general manager of the Claremont Resort and Spa and were assured a spacious conference room for our annual meeting in November, if all goes well. While our Zoom meeting last fall was a success, we look forward to seeing everyone in person. In addition, the hotel, along with PG&E, plans to continue to manage hazardous trees on the back of its property for fire safety and better egress
UC's Evacuation Support Project, by Marilyn Goldhaber
Claremont Avenue above Alvarado Road was transformed this past winter as part of an ongoing fire management program carried out by UC’s Facilities Services. Eucalyptus and other trees that could fall across the road during an emergency or ignite close to the road were logged along with brushy understory, within 100 feet of edge of the pavement . The total project area was approximately 18 acres.
Petition filed against UC's Vegetative Fuel Management Plan and EIR
Despite urgings from us, and others, UC failed to make last minute amendments its Plan and EIR to reduce the risk of wildfire on its Hill Campus beyond versions of released in July, 2020 (the Plan) and January 2021 (the EIR). In response, the Conservancy has filed a petition with the Superior Court as we believe both the Plan and EIR, in their present forms, violate state law.
We would like nothing better than to work cooperatively with UC to make its vegetation management plan robust enough to counteract the increased wildfire risk imposed by climate change and increased fuel loads in the upper campus area.
California needs dedicated wildfire prevention funds, as per the Mercury News
California needs a long-term, dedicated source of revenue for wildfire prevention.
It’s inconceivable that the Legislature failed to take action in 2020 to address one of the state’s most pressing issues. Gov. Gavin Newsom and lawmakers must not let another year pass by without making a serious investment in wildfire prevention.
Wrap up of Annual Meeting, Sunday, November 15, 2020, 4-6 PM, by Marilyn Goldhaber
Great attendance in spite of the virus
We had a great turnout for our first online Annual Meeting (full recording is here), with an estimated 70-80 attendees (57 screens!). After a brief update from the Conservancy board, we moved on to our invited speakers, Carl Pennypacker of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, head of the FUEGO (Fire Urgency Estimator in Geosynchronous Orbit) Project and Nick Luby, Deputy Chief of the Fire Operations Bureau, Oakland Fire. The speakers were followed by a question and answer period.
Grizzly Peak lookouts, by Elizabeth Stage
Claremont Avenue and UC Fire Trails will be closed 9 am- 3 pm, weekdays between November 17 —January 15 for Claremont Canyon Evacuation Improvement Project, UCB Facilities Services
The project is comprised of fire fuel mitigation work along upper Claremont Ave. on lands owned University of California, Berkeley (UCB). Project activities will take place within UCB Property 100 feet of the edge of pavement along Claremont Ave. The location of work is indicated on the map below, labelled as EST-3. Total project area is approximately 18 acres.
Toward an East Bay Wildfire Prevention Vegetation Management Agency, by Jon Kaufman (updated 10/06/20)
Response to UC Hill Campus Vegetation Management Plan by the Claremont Canyon Conservancy
The New Reality
The increased number and severity of wildfires in California over the past three years illustrates that we are in a new reality. Hotter summers combined with drought, longer, warmer falls and more prolonged Diablo winds, and now lightning, all brought about in large part by climate change, have altered our environment and increased the likelihood and danger of wildfires. (See notes A-D) Firefighters and government officials are telling us that once a wildfire gets started, our only recourse is evacuation. (See note E) The UC Hill Campus Vegetation Management Plan acknowledges this reality by making evacuation routes safer, removing highly flammable vegetation within 100 feet along Centennial Drive, Claremont Avenue and the Jordan Fire Trail. So far, so good.
Comments from Jerry Kent regarding UC's Draft Plan and EIR
The following comments are submitted by Jerry Kent on behalf of the Claremont Canyon Conservancy in response to the draft UC HILL WILDLAND VEGETATIVE FUEL MANAGEMENT PLAN/EIR (WVFMP/EIR). The Conservancy has been a strong supporter of University efforts to mitigate fire hazards on the Hill Campus since the 1991 fire. Including the significant fire hazard reduction improvements that were achieved by removing eucalyptus, pine, acacia, and other flammable planted and invasive vegetation between 2000 and 2007 in Claremont Canyon, at Chaparral Hill, and along the partial and incompleted joint EBRPD and UC Grizzly Peak Boulevard Ridgetop Fuelbreak.
TOGETHER Bay Area and the Great American Outdoors Act
The Conservancy was a contributing committee member to TOGETHER BAY AREA's recently published report - Bay Area Lands, People, and Economy: A Snapshot Report of Green Stimulus Opportunities.
Hot, dry fire season is ahead, by Jon Kaufman
As I write this monthly message, the Apple Wildfire raging in Riverside County is spreading into San Bernardino County—currently only 12 percent contained. I'm afraid Californians, including residents of the East Bay Hills, are headed for a long, hot, dry fire season. CalFire has designated our area as as a very high danger zone.
A list of organizations endorsing a joint powers agency can be found here
Claremont Canyon Conservancy
Friends of the Montclair RR Trail
Garber Park Stewards
Kensington Neighbors for Wildfire Safety
Kensington Public Safety Council
Make El Cerrito Fire Safe
Montclair Neighborhood Council
North Hills Community Association
Oakland Firesafe Council
Oakland Landscape Committee
Piedmont Pines Neighborhood Assn
Regional Parks Association
South Hills Beat 35Y.
Spring Message to Members, by Board President Jon Kaufman
Update on UC’s Plan and EIR by Jon Kaufman
The Conservancy continues to follow vegetation management work by the major landowners in Claremont Canyon as the threat of wildfire continues. This work is even more important now since the pandemic has strapped the financial resources of public agencies and potentially weakened their ability to both prevent and fight future wildfires. The University has begun developing a plan to manage vegetation on its upper, less developed campus. This affects those of us who live in and below the Canyon. At an earlier public meeting the University announced that its plan would be released for public comment before the Environmental Impact Report on it was prepared. We have now learned that the plan and the draft EIR will be made public together later this summer with public comment to follow. While this may appear to make the process more efficient, it runs the risk of making it harder for the University and the community to reach agreement on what vegetation management the eventual project will include. The Conservancy fears that the plan and the project will not be adequate and that significant fire-prone vegetation will not be removed from the hills on UC land. We are following this matter closely and will be prepared to step in as appropriate. Forestry Professor Emeritus Joe McBride prepared a proposal for wildfire mitigation last year which we believe offers the University the best way to prevent wildfire in both Strawberry and Claremont Canyons and we again urge the University to adopt it.
Fuel management proposal for UC Hill Campus by Joe R. McBride
The purpose of this paper is to present a fuel management plan for University of California property located in Strawberry and Claremont canyons. The plan will identify site-specific fuel reduction treatments to reduce the fire hazard present in naturally occurring vegetation types and to convert highly hazardous plantations of eucalyptus and conifer species to less hazardous naturally occurring vegetation types.
Click here for Professor McBride’s full proposal.