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Our Mission
The Claremont Canyon Conservancy is a catalyst for the long-term protection and restoration of the canyon's natural environment and an advocate for comprehensive fire safety along its wildland/urban interface.
We lead strategic fuel reduction projects and promote stewardship through trail building and weed management. We engage in campaigns to increase public awareness of the canyon's natural resources and advocate for improved public access and enjoyment (learn more here about our beginnings). We support programs to improve wildfire safety in Claremont Canyon and seek out the most effective measures that private property owners can take to protect their homes from fire. We support the canyon's landowners in their efforts to reduce fuels on their properties (click here for information about UC’s vegetative management plans)—including the removal of most fire-prone trees, such as eucalyptus and pine, along roads and ridgelines (learn more here about this sometimes controversial topic).
“More than 500 families and individuals have joined as members to support our goals contributing financially as well as through volunteerism. ”
What We've Achieved
Held over 300 nature walks and stewardship events in all parts of the canyon since 2001. See sampling of stewardship projects →
Published a detailed, 40-page Advocate Plan for landowners on how to best manage each of 27 subareas in the canyon.
Built a network of fire trails on UC's Hill Campus and aided in weed abatement there.
Produced a GPS-verified, digital map and placed interpretive signs around the canyon.
Partnered with the local chapter of the Sierra Club and other local nonprofit stewardship organizations for common goals (see video).
Helped restore the City of Oakland's Garber Park to a rich native plant environment.
Organized an extensive bibliography of land management, native plant restoration, and wildfire research (contact us).
Brought increased public awareness of the beautiful canyon that is at our back door (see more about us).