Upper Jordan Fire Trail re-opens
Map of Project Area. Phase 1 is highlighted in yellow, Phase 2 is highlighted in green, and Phase 3 is highlighted in blue.
The Upper Jordan Fire Trail is now open for use, after being closed periodically since September 2021.
Fire fuel mitigation took place along the Jordan Fire Trail within UCB property 10 - 100 feet from the roadbed. This work was part of a larger project area of approximately 85 acres. The project is divided into phases; work will continue along the Jordan Fire Trail in the fall.
This project will support safe emergency evacuation on the Jordan Fire Trail if, for example, a landslide or wildfire would occur. Currently there are numerous trees and abundant shrubby fuels near the Jordan Fire Trail that can fall across the road and block traffic or burn with such intensity that passage is prohibited during a wildfire.
This work is part of the other fire management plan implementation activities in the UC Berkeley Hill Campus. The goal is to improve life safety and reduce loss from wildfires by supporting the conversion of the existing fire-prone forest near the road to vegetation with more favorable burning characteristics. For more information contact UCB Facilities Services at www.facilities.berkeley.edu or 510 642-1032.