The Garber Park Stewards gather on Earth Day at the end of Evergreen Lane, which leads into Garber Park.
Walking in Garber Park just became easier—and safer—thanks to the many volunteers who came to the park during Earth Month. Eager to once again be out in nature, we formed small groups on three consecutive weekends in April to pull weeds and haul them down to a dumpster provided by the City of Oakland. On our official celebration of Earth Day, this year on April 24, 15 volunteers got right to work repairing the wooden steps on switchbacks near Evergreen Lane and continuing the important task of weeding out invasive plants for fire safety. By the end of the day, our dumpster was almost full! Earth Month volunteers logged 117 hours! Thanks to everyone—we couldn’t do it without you!
Our work to make Garber Park more beautiful and more fire safe continues. Please join us for our monthly workday, the 3rd Saturday of month, 10AM-Noon. All are welcome, no experience necessary. For questions or more information contact or visit