TWO YEARS AGO, the Conservancy conducted a survey by mail to 385 members for whom we had good mailing addresses. One hundred and thirty, or 34%, responded at that time, and we reported the results in our Spring 2006 newsletter.
Since then, another 98 members joined the Conservancy and were given the opportunity to respond as they joined. Forty-one responded. Below we update our previous findings to report how the combined 171 members felt about Conservancy projects and goals.
As before, our members showed considerable interest in the three main goals: fire safety, ecological health/natural resources, and public access, with over 90% showing support for all three.
Approximately 96% said they are in favor of removal of eucalyptus trees and replanting deforested areas with native redwoods. An even higher percentage (99%) supported the management of invasive, fire-prone, exotic weeds along road-sides and trails. A high percentage (96%) also supported buffer zone work for fire safety.
The Conservancy is eager to work with the public agencies on their lands and help them obtain grants and pursue line items in their budgets for this work. About 98% of survey responders supported the Conservancy’s work with public agencies to encourage them, as much as possible, to accomplish Conservancy goals.