Oakland Draft Vegetation Management Plan, 2019-2024. (See Conservancy comments here.)
UC Berkeley’s Long Range Development Plan (Draft, February 2021).
UC Berkeley’s Hill Campus Wildland Vegetative Fuel Management Plan, 2018-2023.
Wildfires and Climate Change: California’s Energy Future: 2019 report from Governor Newsom's strike force.
Local Hazard Mitigation Plans for East Bay cities, counties and regions
FEMA 2015 Record of Decision: East Bay Hills Hazardous Fire Risk Reduction.
FEMA 2014 publishes Environmental Impact Statement for proposed $5.67 million federal wildfire risk reduction projects in the East Bay Hills.
FEMA 2014 East Bay Hills Final Environmental Impact Statement.
FEMA 2013 Biological Opinion from USFWS for East Bay Hills Hazardous Fire Risk Reduction.
East Bay Regional Park District's 2010 Plan and Environmental Impact Report for East Bay Hills Wildfire Hazard Reduction, Resource Management.
Hills Emergency Forum (a consortium of East Bay Fire Departments) 1995 Fire Hazard Mitigation Program and Fuel Management Plan for the East Bay Hills.