Propagation of 1991 Oakland Fire Attachment A
Synopsis of propagation of the Oakland Hills Fire of 1991 as developed from eyewitness and emergency crew accounts and 911 phone calls by Dave Sapsis of UC Berkeley. The winds were blowing from the northeast. The blue lines are the California State grids, which have 300-m spacing. From figure 1.1 (p. 15) of Woycheese (2000), reproduced with permission.
Continuation of the spread of the 1991 Oakland Hills Fire as developed by Dave Sapsis. The scope of the first 30 minutes is shown in yellow, and the propagation during the subsequent 5 minutes is outlined by the red dashed line, with the contiguous fire front shown by the solid red area. Note the three spot fires that were initiated during this period to the southwest of the main fire. From figure 1.2 (p. 16) of Woycheese (2000), reproduced with permission.
Extent of 1991 Oakland Hills Fire through 1140 hours, as developed by Dave Sapsis, where the spread shown in the previous figure is represented by the area outline in yellow. During the subsequent 5 minutes the fire propagated as shown in red. The three spot fires have grown, and a multitude of new spot fires have been initiated during this 5-minute period. From figure 1.3 (p. 17) of Woycheese (2000), reproduced with permission.